Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Enhancing Accessibility of Scholarly Content with GetFTR & ResearchGate

The integration of ResearchGate with GetFTR has implications for librarianship as it seeks to enhance the efficiency and accessibility of scholarly content for researchers. GetFTR, a free-to-use solution, facilitates faster access to published scholarly content for researchers on and off campus. In addition, this collaboration with ResearchGate will offer a more rapid and convenient method for checking entitlement information among publishers, academic discovery services (e.g., ResearchGate), and reading platforms.

This partnership will benefit publishers by providing a high-performing and easy-to-use method for managing their entitlement information in content syndication arrangements. Additionally, researchers will benefit from quick and seamless access to the articles they are entitled to read. GetFTR is in ongoing discussions with other discovery and reading platforms to broaden this offering, ultimately enhancing access to scholarly content.

The integration of these capabilities to support content syndication and provide quick links to content, as demonstrated by ResearchGate, marks the next step in GetFTR's evolution of service offerings for the community. This partnership will be valuable to librarians and information professionals in their efforts to support researchers and facilitate access to trusted scholarly content by making research materials more accessible and discoverable.

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