Friday, May 19, 2023

Improving Technology Training (WSL webinar)

  • The webinar is titled "Improving Technology Training" and is sponsored by the Washington State Library.
  • The presenter is Stephanie Gerding, and the training coordinator, Jennifer Fenton, and the technician, Joe, are also mentioned.
  • Participants are encouraged to ask questions and provide feedback through the chat feature.
  • The importance of evaluating training at libraries is discussed, including reasons such as becoming a better trainer, identifying weaknesses, and demonstrating value.
  • Outcome-based evaluation and different levels of measurement, such as reaction and learning, are mentioned as important aspects of evaluating training.
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The Washington State Library recently hosted a webinar on enhancing technology training featuring a presentation by Stephanie Gerding. The webinar evaluated library technology training and empowered staff and volunteers to strengthen it. The session also delved into challenging library training situations that can aid in improving training. The training cycle was thoroughly discussed, encompassing planning, needs assessment, workshop learning, and evaluation. The session emphasized the importance of planning and evaluating to save time in the long run and utilize resources effectively, with the ultimate goal of ensuring that the training program meets the community's needs. The webinar highlighted different learning styles and practical technical training, including staff training, the public, and answering reference desk questions.

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