Friday, May 19, 2023

Improving Technology Training (WSL webinar)

  • The webinar titled "Improving Technology Training" is sponsored by the Washington State Library and presented by Stephanie Gerding.
  • The webinar includes a training coordinator, Jennifer Fenton, and a technician named Joe to assist participants.
  • Participants are encouraged to ask questions, provide feedback, and engage in interactive learning through chat.
  • The importance of evaluating training in libraries is discussed, including reasons such as improving training quality, identifying weaknesses, and demonstrating value.
  • The speaker highlights the need to measure the impact, cost, and effectiveness of technology training and collect stories and feedback from participants.
The Washington State Library conducted a webinar on improving technology training, presented by Stephanie Gerding. The focus was evaluating the library technology training and empowering staff and volunteers to strengthen it. The session also discussed difficult library training situations that can help improve training. The training cycle was discussed, including planning, needs assessment, workshop learning, and evaluation. The session emphasized the need for planning and evaluating to save time in the long run and utilize resources effectively. The goal is to ensure that the training program meets the community's needs. Different learning styles were highlighted, and practical technology training was discussed, including training for public staff and answering reference desk questions.

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