Friday, May 5, 2023

What is a Union Catalog?


A union catalog is a catalog that contains the holdings of several different libraries. A union catalog is an excellent resource for researchers and students, as it allows them to search and access items from multiple libraries all in one place.

A union catalog typically contains all the items found in each library, including books, journals, and other library materials. Through a union catalog, users can search for items and access their contents from all the library holdings instead of searching them separately from each library. This not only saves time but also makes the research process more efficient.

Furthermore, union catalogs can provide easy interlibrary loans for researchers and students. This process allows users to access materials from multiple libraries rather than being limited to the items in one library. With interlibrary loan, the user can quickly request material from another library and have it delivered to their home institution. This can be a great time saver, as the material requested is often unavailable in nearby libraries.

Union catalogs also provide enhanced access to library materials and collections. By creating a unified catalog, libraries can make their materials available to a larger audience. This also allows users to search materials from all the university catalog libraries, making it easier to find what they are looking for.

Overall, union catalogs can provide many benefits to researchers and students. They are an excellent way for users to access multiple libraries and quickly and efficiently search for items and materials. Additionally, they can provide enhanced access to library materials and collections and help users find what they want.

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